Will I need any special software in order to use iSwimCoach.net?
No. iSwimCoach works with all of the following: - Microsoft Word (.doc files) - Microsoft Excel (.xls files) - Adobe Acrobat (.pdf files), and - HY-TEK Sports Software® with WORKOUT MANAGER option (in order to upload WorkoutExport.zip files).
I am a coach who would like to add my workouts to the iSwimCoach.net database. What do I need to do?
First, you will need to REGISTER with iSwimCoach. Registration is FREE! Click on the "Registration" button in the menu. To complete your registration, you will need to provide the e-mail address you have provided for your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, go to http://www.PayPal.com and establish a PERSONAL account. Return to iSwimCoach and complete the Registration Form. Any personal information you may provide during your registration process, other than what you include in your BIO, will be kept confidential. No one will see your e-mail address except iSwimCoach personnel, and we will not sell or transfer any information about you to any third party (see "Privacy Policy")
How do I upload a file?
Whenever you want to UPLOAD any workouts to iSwimCoach, simply LOG IN to iSwimCoach, select Upload Utility and follow the prompts. We recommend that you enter the date you created the file at the beginning of your description of that file so purchasers will be able to determine whether or not it is one they have already purchased. The Upload Utility will help you categorize your workouts based on the same drop-down menus the purchaser will see in the "Workouts" screen. You will also be provided with a list of workout files you previously uploaded, and showing the date of the upload.
If I am a Contributing Coach, why do I need a PayPal account?
As a Contributing Coach you need to register and provide us with the email address you use for your PayPal account so we'll know who to pay and how to pay you.
As a coach, I’m happy to provide copies of all of my workouts free-of-charge to anyone who asks. Why should I become a Contributing Coach?
Because you are a professional, you should receive compensation for your work. Your workout files are your intellectual property! What if you had chosen Family Law as your profession? Would you draft a will, a trust agreement or a divorce settlement document for which you charged the client an hourly fee and then post that same document to the web for everyone in the world to see, copy and use? Not likely! For your next client, you would make any necessary modifications, and charge the new client at the same hourly rate. As a swim coach, you are also a professional. You have had additional education and years of practice and experience. It should be expected that you would receive appropriate compensation for developing workouts based on your hard-earned knowledge, skills and experience!
I would like to purchase a workout. Do I need to register? How do I download a file?
To download files, click "Workouts" on the menu. Next, use the drop-down menus to enter the criteria for your workout search by Coach, Group (Age Group, Senior, Collegiate, Masters, Summer League, etc.), PhysioType (Sprint, Miiddle distance, Distance, Stroker), Stroke and Season Cycle (Pre, Early, Mid, Late, Taper, Recovery).
Once you have narrowed your choices, click the "Search" button. You will receive a list of workout files that match your criteria. As you scroll through the list, each workout file you highlight will display its details as you pause your cursor over the information in the different columns. Pause your cursor over the Coach's name in the Coach column and see a picture of the Coach and a brief BIO. Pause over the Selected Category column and get an explaination of the categories of this Workout. Pause over the Workout Filename column and see a brief explaination of the Workout.
Scroll through the workouts until you find one or more files you wish to download. If none appeal to you, click on the "New Search" button below the list to go back to the "Workouts" screen and revise your criteria. If you find something you like, click on the Add to Cart button at the right side of the row to add that file and view your shopping cart. Click the Continue Shopping button to add more Workouts to your Shopping cart. When you have finished making your selections, click on the View Cart button at the bottom of the screen to get to the Cart. If you are satisfied with your selections, you are ready to check out. Upon checkout, your credit card will be charged and you will be returned to the iSwimCoach website where yoiu will be provided a link to download the files you purchased. It's that easy!
No registration is necessary!
I am interested in purchasing a workout file, but I do not currently use TEAM MANAGER with WORKOUT MANAGER. Will I need this program to download workouts from iSwimCoach?
No. You may alternatively purchase workouts files that were uploaded by Contributing Coaches using Word, Excel, or .PDF formats.
If I want to use TEAM MANAGER with the WORKOUT MANAGER option, what will it cost me?
Clicking HERE will take you to the HY-TEK Sports Software web site for pricing on HY-TEK®'sTEAM MANAGER with WORKOUT MANAGER Option. If you are a member of the American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) or a registered member of United States Masters Swimming (USMS), you will receive a discount from the posted prices.
I have registered as a Contributing Coach. How do I create a Workout file?
You may use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, create a .PDF file, or use HY-TEK®’s TEAM MANAGER with WORKOUT MANAGER option. If using the latter, from inside WORKOUT MANAGER choose a workout or group of workouts (that you have created and saved), and export them to a file name and location on your computer you will remember. The file name MUST include WorkoutExport in the name (no space between the words). Exporting the file from WORKOUT MANAGER will create a .zip file. Check your WORKOUT MANAGER Help file to get detailed step-by-step instructions on how to export a file.
How many workouts may I upload in one file?
You may include as many workouts in one file as you wish. You may enter 1 file, a day's worth, a week's worth, a month's worth or an entire season. Keep in mind, however, that Workouts are purchased by downloaded file, NOT by the number of workouts contained within that file. The goal is to provide the buyer with value for their money so they will be satisfied with their purchase and return for more. A good "rule of thumb" is to provide the buyer with something you would be satidfied with if you were buying... for 99¢!
As a contributing coach, how will I receive commissions?
For each workout file purchased that was created and uploaded by you, your PayPal account will receive a commission of 25¢. Commissions will be sent out monthly to your PayPal account, specifically to the PayPal e-mail address you provided to us when you registered.
I have other questions that were not addressed here. How do I contact you for answers?
Send an e-mail to support@iSwimCoach.net, and we will answer your question(s) as quickly as possible. And, we are always looking for suggestions for improving our website.