CD 206
SCM Wolfville, 5000M, 3000=fly
Category: Senior,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Early Season,
Stroke: Fly
Coach: Lucy Johnson
Stroke 3,000 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore
Category: Masters,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Strokers
Coach: Mark Moore
IM 3,000 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore
Category: Masters,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: IM
Coach: Mark Moore
IM 3,200 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore
Category: Masters,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: IM
Coach: Mark Moore
USS Sr./Jr. National Level 8,200 SC Meters 120+ Minutes Endurance Breaststroke
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Breast
Coach: Community Database
#17 080410pm LCM. snorkel, kick with fins, drill with fins, IM 50s. Total = 5,800M, 106 minutes. PDF file.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: IM
Coach: Jack Simon
#17 080410pm LCM. snorkel, kick with fins, drill with fins, IM 50s. Total = 5,800M, 106 minutes. WM format.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: IM
Coach: Jack Simon
#16 080410am LCM. Short Fly workout, focusing on turns and kick. 1,890M total, 45 minutes. PDF file.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Fly
Coach: Jack Simon
#16 080410am LCM. Short Fly workout, focusing on turns and kick. 1,890M total, 45 minutes. WM format.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Fly
Coach: Jack Simon
#13 080407pm. Main set = 3,000 LCM, mix of IM, back, and breast. Fly kick with Zoomers. Total = 6,700M. Dryland (25 min), swim (2 hours). PDF file.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Jack Simon