Stroke 3,000 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore
Category: Masters,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Strokers
Coach: Mark Moore
Sprint 3,300 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore
Category: Masters,
Physiotype: Sprinters,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Mark Moore
Sprint Freestyle 120+ Minutes 5,750M (LC) Sprint endurance, Free and Fly. Originally written for a young Roland Schoeman.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Sprinters,
Season: Late Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database
#13 080407pm. Main set = 3,000 LCM, mix of IM, back, and breast. Fly kick with Zoomers. Total = 6,700M. Dryland (25 min), swim (2 hours). PDF file.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Jack Simon
#13 080407pm. Main set = 3,000 LCM, mix of IM, back, and breast. Fly kick with Zoomers. Total = 6,700M. Dryland (25 min), swim (2 hours). WM format.
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Jack Simon
General, 120 + Minutes, 7000 LCM,
Pre-set is long, Main set = short distance, few repeats, Maximum effort for time
Category: Senior,
Physiotype: Middle Distance,
Season: Mid Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database
Middle Distance SC Yards 120 Minutes 6,500Y Strokes vary
Category: Senior,
Physiotype: Middle Distance,
Season: Early Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database
Individual Medley SC Yards 120 Minutes 7,000Y Monday
Category: Senior,
Physiotype: Strokers,
Season: Early Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database
Distance Free SC Yards 120 + Minutes 6750Y Superman!
Category: Senior,
Physiotype: Distance,
Season: Early Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database
Individual Medley SC Yards 120+ Minutes 5150Y Training Camp
Category: Elite,
Physiotype: Middle Distance,
Season: Late Season,
Stroke: Mixed
Coach: Community Database